In recent times, drug abuse has become a huge problem for both men and women all around the world. However, many studies and pieces of research have told us that men are more likely to abuse substances like heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. For this reason, we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions relating to rehabilitation centers so the necessary help can be attained.

What are the Different Types of Center? – Although it seems confusing at first, the process is actually very simple and most rehabilitation centers will be labelled as either an ‘outpatient’ or an inpatient’ building. Depending on the severity of the problem, the doctor or partner or even the patient will decide which one is appropriate. As an outpatient, you will attend therapy and other sessions at the center whilst resuming your normal life. As an inpatient, you will stay at the facility 24/7 until the treatment has finished.

Is Residential Right for Me? – Ultimately, this comes down to the level of care you require. As an outpatient, you will probably attend classes with other people and have group sessions. If you go to a residential center, your care will be more specialized and you will have one-on-one sessions to fix the problem.

Is it Confidential? – One of the biggest worries that patients have is confidentiality but rehab is just like your family doctor in that your treatment will be completely private. Unless you happen to give consent, no member of staff at the facility can share any information outside of work.

How Long is the Treatment? – Again, this answer very much comes down to what care is needed. While some patients are in and out over the weekend, others require weeks and months to complete the treatment. Most centers offer set programs that last for one, two or three months and some even stretch to six months and a year. If you progress well enough, you may move from an inpatient to an outpatient and only attend classes every so often. Some people even leave the facility to go to work before returning after because it is often the alone time that is the problem, while time at work is fine.

Ultimately, rehab facilities cater to the patient and try to work out a way to get you healthy once again. It would be no use providing group sessions if you wouldn’t react well to that so you will be assessed by a professional and you will have a chance to talk, then you will be able to discuss options. If you need the one-on-one personal care, this will be offered to you but if they believe that you can do most of the work at home, weekly rehab sessions may be advised.

Drug abuse is an ever-growing problem and one that needs to be solved so if you need help, or know of anyone who does, be sure to advise them using this information. Rehabilitation centers often gets a bad name but in the end, it is the solution that can change lives.