I was born and raised into a gang family. As a young kid, I glorified my gang member uncles, I wanted to be just like them, respected by everyone.
As a teenager I hung out with the wrong crowd. I smoked marijuana and it progressed to ecstasy in order to stay alert. Then I was introduced to meth one time and it turned into a decade of use. I committed a violent crime and was on the run for two years. I was homeless, living in a tent in the river bottom. I felt helpless and suicidal. There was no hope, only a felony warrant out for me. One day I decided to go to the store, it was at that moment God blessed me with a sheriff officer. I knew as soon as the handcuffs clicked, God had sent an angel to help me. While in jail, for a year, I developed a relationship with God. I talked to God often and made deals with Him. After six months in, I received another six months. After serving a year, I was released on probation, even though I should have served 20 years. I went to my mom’s house and got into a program right away. The program wasn’t a fit. It was too close to where I was living while homeless and I kept thinking about going back to using. I told my probation officer and he told me he would take me to another program, but didn’t tell me where. He drove me to Restoration Ranch and from that moment on my life dramatically changed. I started out in the program and stayed in it for nine months. I developed friendships that would last a lifetime. I was serious about recovery and changing my life. I didn’t want to get in a hurry. The Ranch staff helped me to develop good habits, to be responsible and live a structured life with accountability. While in the program, I got a full time job working for a construction company and then working full time for a tree service company, where I’m currently working. People put their trust in me. After being in the program for nine months, I transitioned into Restoration Ranch’s Sober Living Home. Two years later, I became the manager of the Sober Living Home. Today I’m happy to say I’m four years sober. My life is so much better, I never want to look back. All my success is attributed to God, Restoration Ranch for guiding me and my willingness to change. From a former addict to another, I strongly recommend others to come to Restoration Ranch if they want to change their life. At the Ranch, you will receive the support you need from others and you will be able to start a new chapter in a better life. In two more months June 2024, I will officially be off of probation. I no longer have to live a lie, I feel free and happy. I can be the man God created me to be. In addition to myself, I have seen many miracles come out of Restoration Ranch and I look forward to seeing many more.