Mental Illness

Highway To The Danger Zone

People who struggle with addiction should take a serious look at the risk they are taking each time they chose to use. Addiction in and of itself is a risk factor for suicide. Many other behavior disorders that may accompany addiction can increase this risk. It can be argued that each time an addict engages [...]

Chris’s Story (God Never Lets Us Go)

Looking back on my life and how my addiction started, I can trace it back to finding a group of kids in middle school that would accept me. I was advanced in school, which made me feel like I couldn't relate to most kids. The kids that drank and did drugs didn't care if I [...]

By |2023-11-13T14:31:12-08:00October 16th, 2019|Alcohol Addiction, Alcohol Recovery, Drug Addiction, Drug Recovery, Mental Illness, Rehabilitation, Self-Sabotage, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Chris’s Story (God Never Lets Us Go)


We all have them, the nagging thoughts of how we wish we would have or could have done things differently. Regret by definition means, "to feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity." What do we do with these pesky thoughts that creep in [...]

By |2023-11-13T14:30:23-08:00October 10th, 2019|Alcohol Addiction, Alcohol Recovery, Blog, Drug Addiction, Drug Recovery, Mental Illness, Rehabilitation, Self-Sabotage|Comments Off on Regrets

Addiction and Mental Illness

Does mental illness occur before or after drug addiction? Studies show that people who suffer from mental illness are more likely to become addicted to a substance, often called "self medicating". Conversely, people who have suffered from addiction for years may later get diagnosed with a mental illness, this is called "dual diagnosis". Some individuals [...]

By |2023-11-13T14:20:25-08:00December 1st, 2018|Alcohol Addiction, Alcohol Recovery, Blog, Drug Addiction, Mental Illness|Comments Off on Addiction and Mental Illness
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